Adult Bible Fellowship

Adult Bible Fellowship or “ABF” is a great way to meet and get to know our church members on a more personal level.  It provides a great opportunity to dig deeper into God’s Word, make practical applications to our daily walk, and “be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith”. Romans 1:12   All classes meet on Sunday mornings at 9am along with Kid’s and Teen Bible Fellowship.  Nursery is provided.
Woodcrest College and Career
It is the vision of Woodcrest Church to invest in the College & Career age group knowing that the baton of faith will be passed to this generation very soon.  Our prayer is that God will raise up leaders who will embrace the challenge to lead the church of Jesus Christ here at Woodcrest and proclaim the name of Jesus to their generation.  Woodcrest C&C meet Sunday evenings at 6pm at different locations.  Contact the church office for more information.

Many of our adults meet and study the new D6 curriculum on Sunday morning.  Based on the principles of Deuteronomy 6:5-9—love God, love His Word, and teach your children to do the same, this curriculum aligns small group environments at church so those with young teens are studying the same theme at the same time.  This class is comprised mostly of our younger to middle adult-aged members and utilizes several members as teachers throughout the year.

Senior Adults

Our Senior Adults are a group of people who lovingly encourage and minister to the needs of its church members.  They are a faithful, devoted group of prayer warriors who enjoy serving others.

Senior adults meet for Bible study every Sunday morning at 9:00 and the class is open to all ages.  Our membership spans from young adults who want to sit under the teaching of one of our deacons, Scott Wood, all the way up to those in their eighties and nineties.  The Randall House Classic Quarterly Curriculum is used for an in-depth study of Scripture that follows an eight-year scope and sequence.