Rainbow Ministries
Former members Bud and Ruth Bivens and their son John and wife, Paulina have invested a lifetime ministering to the people of Mexico. Woodcrest Church is privileged to provide monthly support to Rainbow Ministries, a ministry that includes IBLA
C Bible Institute and Getsemani Children’s Home.

The Getsemani Children’s Home in Morelos, Mexico, offers hope to children who have been abused or neglected by ministering to their needs and showing them the love of our Heavenly Father and the sacrifice made by Jesus Christ for us all.
IBLAC Bible Institute in Altimira, Mexico, offers training for Mexican Free Will Bapitist pastors who will then serve local congregations throughout Mexico.
Woodcrest Church has made many trips to the seminary and orphanage to provide assistance and to allow our members an opportunity to serve our brothers and sisters across the border.
In addition to the seminary and orphanage, we also provide a monthly salary to Pastor Rodrigo Guzmon in Celaya, Mexico. The money given allows Pastor Guzmon to minister to this congregation on a full-time basis. Woodcrest has been able to contribute to this congregation in the past by providing a church building and parsonage for Pastor Guzmon and the believers in Celaya.
Please pray for these ministries that God protect them and use them for His glory.